I went to the Natural History Museum and it was worth it. I went to see the Baja California photography by Ralph Lee Hopkins. His photographs were amazing to look at. About half of the pictures that he took I thought were paintings. The picture of the whale made me look at it for a few minutes because I couldn't believe that was an actual photo of the whale and not just a well painted picture. The picture was probably taken with precise timing with the right angle. With the right timing the photo can make a big difference between a hit or miss. Most of these pictures were very clear. The pictures of the different reptiles were very interesting because I have never seen the side of the reptiles. They were like models for the camera. Especially the iguana because of its color green which stands out and the blue sky which really makes the iguana really stand out.
There were other pictures there that were interesting to see, but this one picture that really made me think. It was the picture of the clear image of the cactus but at the same time the sky was a little blurred which made me wonder how would that picture form without enhancing it using programs like Photoshop. When you look at the cactus it feels like time is moving slow but when you look at the sky it feels like time is moving really fast. This picture causes confusion in a good way because it can make you think about it and just stair at it even more.